Monday, July 14, 2003

New faces, old story

She met him on the 4th of July. They had what you call a spark. He stayed the night, and then half the next morning, watching Wimbeldon with her. They had bagels. They promised a game of tennis. He left with her number, she stayed with her hangover.

By the 12th of July, she was unhinged. He has not called. Within minutes of meeting her, strangers know the story. Through the course of a long night out, she checks her phone every few minutes. She mutters "Don't ask for it if you're not going to use it. It's crueller to take it and not use it." She glares accusingly at her phone.

She has a sack full of explanations. He's going through a divorce. He's very busy at work. Maybe it's because she was too drunk and nearly was sick. Maybe he meant to call, but has not summoned the nerve.

God, by 28, you ought to know better.

Everybody, say it with me: He's just not that into you.


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