Friday, November 14, 2003

Friday Mixology

Here's a fun little game, courtesy of DC blogger Chrisafer. It's a recipe for a mix CD, based on a set rubric. And then you give it a title based on a fun movie quote. Here's the track criteria:

1. A song from the last record you bought
2. A blues: not a necessarily a blues record but a song that is labelled (something) blues
3. A song that gets you going in the morning
4. A song that you think is romantic
5. One of the earliest records that you can remember listening to.
6. A song that you discovered from a film
7. A song from your favourite band / artist (go on, pick one – don’t give me this ‘I don’t really like one band more than any others’ rubbish imagine a desert island and only one artist can soundtrack it – now choose a song!)
8. A song from an artist band that you otherwise don’t like, but like this one
9. A Lullaby.
10. A song that makes you laugh / you find funny
11. A really good cover version
12. A song that reminds you of school days
13. A song from an artist that you are embarrassed to admit you like
14. Whatever it is, it’s got to be funky
15. A song for those quiet rainy days
16. A song that no matter when you hear it makes you ‘Feelgood’
17. A song with the word ‘Look’ in the title
18. From a member of the ‘Dead rockers society’
19. Your favourite Elvis song. (I know it's a narrow field and that every mix will end up having Elvis on it but that's part of the fun/challenge - will we all end up with the same tune or will we have a rich selection?)
20. Wildcard – Hey, just put any song you like on!

So, without any further ado, I give you:

You People are Bastard People

1. "Ladyfingers" --The Fever
2. "Dublin Blues" --Guy Clark
3. "Hotel Yorba" --White Stripes
4. "At Last" --Etta James
5. "Rocky Mountain High" --John Denver
6. "These Days" --Nico
7. "Atlantic" --Rainer Maria
8. "Ignition Remix" --R. Kelly
9. "Lay Lady Lay" --Bob Dylan
10. "Harper Valley PTA" --Jeannie C. Riley
11. "Halleluja" --Jeff Buckley
12. "Tired of Sex" --Weezer
13. "Livin' on a Prayer" --Bon Jovi
14. "Callin' Out" --Lyrics Born
15. "Which Will" --Nick Drake
16. "Rudy Can't Fail" --The Clash
17. "Nice Things That Look Good" --Mates of State
18. "Sheena is a Punk Rocker" --The Ramones
19. "Alison" --Elvis (Costello. Sorry, not a huge Presley nut.)
20. "Decepticon" --Le Tigre


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